Luis Orduz

Software engineer, occasional writer, and movie watcher.

Look at this code

def get_best_matches(self) -> WinnerPair:
    Divide population in half.
    Pick the word closest to the matching word in each half.
    return WinnerPair(*map(
        lambda population_half: max(
            key=lambda word: sum(
                a == b for a, b in zip(word, self.word)
        (self.population[::2], self.population[1::2])

I'm not gonna deny it, I liked writing it, I like that it is technically a single function call1, the usage of lambdas and the built-in Python functions used for handling, well, functions and iterables. What can I say? It makes me feel "clever" because technically it's code that requires certain level of familiarity with the language.

It's also a total mess. I literally spent an entire afternoon explaining this "short" piece of code to an experienced engineer who had already invested a few months getting familiar with Python.

This code is me at my most self-indulgent and I'm well aware I would never have written this outside of a prototype meant only for me to play around. Code like this is not meant to live in a system worked at by more than one developer. It'd be a nightmare to maintain, as only the one who wrote it could possibly understand it. Hell, I wrote this and I had to struggle a bit puzzling what it actually did.

In short, this code is ripe for improvement, which is exactly what I'm gonna do.

Unclear iterations

The first thing that jumps at me upon seeing this code is that there are three nested iterations in it, but it's very difficult to tell which one is which or where each one ends. An easy first fix is then relying less on built-in functions and making the iterations more explicit via for statements.

def get_best_matches(self) -> WinnerPair:
    # Get the words closest to the target in each half of the population
    winners = WinnerPair()
    for population in (self.population[x::2] for x in range(2)):
        scores = []
        for word in population:
            similarity = 0
            for char_word, char_target in zip(word, self.word):
                similarity += chard_word == char_target
            scores.append((word, score))
        winner = max(scores, key=lambda score: score[1])
    return winners

Looks quite different, doesn't it? It would seem to someone completely unfamiliar with Python that I changed more than replacing the function calls with fors, but that's truly all I did:

  1. The first function was map which is doing something to both halves of the population.
  2. The second function was max which is picking the highest according to something in each word in the population.
  3. The third function was sum which is actually calculating that previous "something": In this case, how similar is the current word with the target word.

I then reused max, but it's now clearer what maximum value of what it's being picked. I will not lie: I hesitated with leaving the sum as it was as I felt that with the other replacements it was clear enough, but then I saw the opportunity to further clarify that we were comparing the current word with the target word. On the other hand, I did leave zip as it was, as that one is clear enough to me.2

Aside: Someone with some familiarity with algorithm analysis might see three nested for loops and pale at the "cubic" complexity, but this function isn't iterating over the population input (let's call it "n") multiple times. It's instead iterating only once over the total characters input (let's say "m"). In short: This iteration only visits each character in the population once.

The word list (but not each word) is visited twice because of the max function, but since two is a constant, it remains of linear complexity.

Anyhow, those "straightfoward" changes are enough to at least being able to tell what the function is doing line by line, but it can be better.

As it is, we're doing a bunch of operations over basic data types with a comment explaining what those data types are supposed to represent. We could instead explicitly define our own abstractions over those data types and let those abstractions tell us what they can or can't do, or how they should be used.

But I feel like that is interesting enough for its own post, so see you in the next part!

  1. Well, a function call wrapped in a class instantiation, but who's nitpicking? 

  2. I firmly think that Software Engineering is engineering, and I have no problem calling myself "engineer" over, say, "craftsman", but there is a subjective factor to some decisions.